
Co-creating of a strong network in reproductive agriculture (permaculture) in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The regenerative agriculture, in specific permaculture, seems to be a serious solution to have a positive impact on climate change. Mirela Simaga, a student from ZHAW Zürich, is doing internship between April 8th, 2019 – July 5th, 2019 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

School of everyday politics

The consultative Kick-off meeting was held in Switzerland in the framework of the project "School of daily's politics" in the period from 12.01.2019 until 17.01.2019.

Grand opening of "Kafić"

"Kafić" - in the capital of Switzerland, this winter only. Pop up Café "Kafić" brings us in "Gelateria di Berna Mattenhof" directly all good and nice things from Eastern Europe. Come and see yourself!

Profiting involves investing!

A delegation from Berne visited Banja Luka, with a mission to improve economy with education.

Mentorship program - call for Mentors

In the digital age, the fast transfer of ideas enables the cooperation of leading minds from around the world. Why not include students from Bosnia in Herzegovina in that process?

IT Girls are coming to your school - Crowdfunding campaign

Girls from the IT Girls Initiative launched a crowdfunding campaign aimed at procuring Arduino school sets and holding workshops for girls in elementary schools to make computer science more interactive and fun in elementary schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina!

Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Swiss Travel Day in Zurich

The most significant event of the Swiss tourism industry called Swiss Travel Day, representing at the same time the main platform for Switzerland’s outbound tourism, was held on Thursday, 25th October 2018 in Zurich. BiH participated for the first time at this event as a guest country with the aim to present its tourism potentials to a wider public.

Bosnia and Herzegovina – an original destination country

Although the number of tourists visiting the country is increasing from year to year, Bosnia and Herzegovina as a destination country remains largely unknown. War atrocities from 1990s and the still bleak economic situation dominate the news. From the perspective of tourism, the country is a sleeping beauty. We are trying to change that at the Swiss Travel Day!

Preparatory Workshop for the Swiss Travel Day held in Sarajevo

22 travel agencies from Bosnia and Herzegovina attended the preparatory workshop for the Swiss Travel Day, that will be held on 25th October 2018 in Zurich and where BiH will be presented as the guest country. The participants received, among other things, information regarding the sector of tourism in Switzerland and the Swiss market.

Call for Volunteers! - The Nomadic Monument "Što Te Nema?"

This year's "Što te nema?" nomadic monument will be assembled on Wednesday, 11th July 2018 at Helvetia Square in Zurich, Switzerland. The organisational team of "Što te nema?" is seeking dedicated and energetic volunteers to help them with the preparation and coordination of the "Što te nema?" monument.
