Živinice Meet Up

Residents of Živinice in the diaspora - the best ambassadors of the Municipal potential

With the support of Živinice emigrants, but also the successful cooperation of the i-platform with the City of Živinice, the second "Živinice Meet Up" was organized on February 17th, which, in addition to already well-known people, was attended by new participants eager for Živinice prosperity.

At the very beginning of the meeting, the participants were addressed by the organizers of this gathering - Naida Husić in front of the City and our Tomislav Tadić.

Considering the fact that the pioneering "Živinice Meet Up" was organized as part of the "Days of the Diaspora" event, which is typical for winter days, this time Ms. Husić emphasized that, thanks to the dedicated work of City employees, the event will be held for the first time in the summer months, when the concentration of emigrants in most B&H cities is most noticeable. And, in order for the event to be successful, adds Husić, the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of B&H awarded this municipality a grant in the amount of 10.000 BAM, and, thanks to financial support, "Diaspora Days - Summer in Živinice" will be filled with various sports, cultural, gastronomic and entertainment activities.

This information was also confirmed by the representative of the Ministry, Mr. Mitar Kovačević, who was one of the participants in the gathering.

How to improve life in this Municipality?

This question has imposed itself as primary and fundamental. The people of Živinice, living from Turkey to the countries of Western Europe, made numerous proposals that could improve the daily lives of their compatriots, but also the stay of emigrants in their hometown during their visits.

Although, according to our participants, the majority suffer from lack of time when visiting their hometown, they believe that the time they spend in their municipality could be more meaningful, so entertainment such as festival and concert activities are inevitable, then the exchange of summer camps for young people from Živinice, rehabilitation of children's playgrounds as well as a better offer of activities that are correlated with historical events.

The people of Živinice living in many European countries believe that in this city, as soon as possible, the catering offer should be completed with suitable parking spaces. "There is an obvious lack of more refined restaurants where business meetings could be held," emphasizes one of the participants in "Meet Up".

Also, the development of rural tourism, the promotion of mountaineering, but also the arrangement of parks would greatly attract many foreign visitors to this city, according to the people of Živinice in the diaspora.

But they are also thinking about their fellow citizens who are still residents of their hometown, and are wondering how to keep the younger population in this town. "Even more successful development of the business center, solving the housing issue for young people, creating new jobs", claim them.

All in all, a big job is ahead of all of us. At this "Meet Up", it was agreed that the improvement of Živinice will start with small projects for the implementation of which some participants have already promised financial assistance in advance.

Also, a lot of work will be done on the marketing itself, which is very much needed by this promising municipality, but also on the even more successful connection of the people of Živinice.

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