Zenica Meet Up

Another virtual "Zenica Meetup" was held: We are organizing the next one live!

The Diaspora from Zenica gathered last night at another Meetup, which we organized in cooperation with representatives of the City Administration of Zenica.

Crowdfunding campaign

This was an ideal opportunity for the diaspora to get acquainted with the recently launched donation campaign of the i-diaspora, called "We can do it - clean Zenica!", through which we raise funds for cleaning and arranging Zenica in just one day. Among the numerous partners in this project are certainly the Zenica Eco Forum, as well as the group "Rivers of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Be a change", ie its many members.

The Zenica diaspora praised the mentioned action, and already last night financially supported the project. You can do the same in the next twenty days, via this link.

Band "Šuma čovjek"

Also, last night, the people of Zenica were introduced to the current activities of the Swiss band "Šuma čovjek" led by a Bosnian and Herzegovinian, Mr. Ivica Petrušić. Namely, this talented team is recording as many as four music videos in our country, and one of the locations where the videos will be recorded will be Zenica, with its surrounding places. In this way, the popular band promotes our country and its natural beauties, supports Bosnian eco-tourism and "directs" Swiss and other Europeans to our borders.

The stay of these musicians in BiH has already caused huge media attention. Find out more about them here.

Picture books for children in the diaspora

The representative of the City Administration of Zenica, Ms. Maša Škrbić, used the opportunity to introduce the participants of the "Zenica Meetup" to the work of Anida Letić Sikirić from Zenica. Namely, this young lady makes interesting picture books adapted for children from the diaspora, aged 4 -10. The picture books present bh. cities with their symbols and landmarks.

„Psić Bibi u Zenici“ and „Psić Bibi u Sarajevu“ are currently on sale while „Psić Bibi u Tuzli“ comes out in the fall. Picture books are made in B / C / S languages and can be found at this link.

In the end, the people of Zenica were delighted with the information that the famous festival "Zenica Summer Fest" will be held live this year, which was prevented last year by the situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic. A large number of music concerts and the presence of local and regional musicians each time cause great attention among the audience, which, to a large extent, is also made up of our diaspora, so we have no doubt that this will be the case this year as well.

We have scheduled the next "Zenica Meetup" for 21.08. It is interesting that, for the first time, we will organize it live!

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