
April Diaspora Online Check-In has been realized

Representatives of the BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees, from the Sector for Emigration, and representatives of diaspora organizations, including the i-diaspora, held another monthly meeting yesterday, known as the Diaspora Online Check-In.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Association "5 Million Friends of Bosnia and Herzegovina", Mr. Edo Sabanagic, and Mrs. Biljana Radanovic, then Mr. Azem Ejubovic, a representative of the Diaspora Office of Travnik, Ajna Gazibegovic on behalf of the Mozaik Foundation, and Admir Omeragic, a representative of a diaspora organization from Denmark. This was an ideal opportunity to talk about the results so far.

Overview of activities

At the very beginning of the one-hour meeting, Mr. Kemo Sarač spoke about the activities of the Ministry. Due to the fact that the budget for 2022 has not been adopted yet, the activities of this institution were, unfortunately, limited. However, they pointed out that the Ministry received reports from local self-government units and non-governmental organizations on projects implemented during 2021, and financed from the Ministry's grant funds to support local self-government units for the implementation of the Policy on Cooperation with Emigrants in 2020. In addition, last month the Ministry had the opportunity to host ICMP representatives, as well as Ms. Patricia Barandun, SDC Deputy Chief for the Western Balkans.

Representatives of the Association "5 Million Friends of Bosnia and Herzegovina" also addressed the audience, who spoke about the finalization of numerous projects, including the web platform and the website of the Association. They also pointed out that they work every day on branding Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that the current priority is to communicate with local authorities in France, where the Association is registered. However, information about our country, as well as about the Association, is passed on daily to the authorities in Belgium and the United States, and in this way the local population, but also citizens of BiH origin are informed about their activities and ours. It is interesting that their work was recognized by many famous people, among which is the football expert Faruk Hadžibegić, who also became the ambassador of the Association.

Nikola Burić and Aldin Vrškić had the opportunity to present our work from last month. First of all, the Executive Director of the i-Diaspora, Mr. Burić, introduced the attendees to the employees of the i-Diaspora in the office in Switzerland, and then commented on our March activities. Certainly, there were many of them, so the month behind us is one of the most successful. Our representatives in Kladanj were visited by a high delegation of the SDC from Switzerland, followed by a study visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of We Make Democracy! project, in Zenica we participated in the organization of the first regional eco race, in cooperation with we organized a two-day workshop on entrepreneurship, organized a kick-off event "Collaboratio Balkanica" in Baden, and we also organized our monthly "meetups". Read more about this in retrovizor.

Ajna Gazibegović spoke about the activities of the Mozaik Foundation, and pointed out that the workshops organized with representatives of 18 municipalities and cities, which together with the Mozaik Foundation provided a fund of 1.2 million BAM in grants for people from the diaspora, who want to invest in businesses in municipalities. About 300 people took part in these workshops. The Mozaik Foundation is currently working on three events that will soon be presented to their audience.

Azem Ejubović, a representative of the Diaspora Office of the Municipality of Travnik, also took part in this meeting for the first time. That is why the "Days of the Diaspora" event is being held in August, and you can here find more information about the event.

Finally, the audience was greeted by Mr. Admir Omeragić, a representative of the organization from Denmark.

The next "Diaspora Online Check-In" is scheduled for May 5.

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