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Swisspeace organizes a discussion about another war in Europe: Among the panelists is Nikola Burić

Swisspeace, a practice and research institute dedicated to the advancement of effective peacebuilding, located in Basel, is organizing a panel discussion on the topic "Wieder Krieg in Europa - die Ukraine und den Westbalkan zusammendenken", and one of the speakers will be the CEO of i-diaspora, Nikola Burić.

The event will take place on August 18 this year, starting at 6:30 p.m.

The discussion on the mentioned topic is organized in the conference center kHaus Basel, at the address Kasernenhof 8 CH-4058 Basel.

In addition to Burić, who will initially speak about the phenomenon of migration, Dr. Leandra Bias and Dr. Dan Landau, in front of the organizers, will address the attendees, followed by Adis Merdžanović, a political scientist, while the event will be moderated by Adelina Gashi, a freelance reporter whose focus is on The Balkans, migration and feminism.

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