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"Dani dijaspore Kladanj 2021" event starts on Monday

From 16 to 26 August, the event "Days of the Diaspora Kladanj 2021" will be held in Kladanj, and the i-diaspora is also participating in the organization.

The event is held under the auspices of the Municipality of Kladanj, with the wholehearted help of Bzk "Preporod" Kladanj, JP "Karaula" Kladanj, the Association "Žena ženi" from Kladanj, and the 

The content of this ten-day event is interesting, thanks to which all visitors will surely find something for themselves.

Therefore, on the first night, which is called "Meeting of friends - 'The smell of my bazaar'", local writers, professors and teachers of language and literature meet, and on the second day, on the plateau in front of the entrance to the sports hall, a dance workshop "Let's dance together" will be organized. ".

The organizers also took care of the youngest visitors, and for August 19 they planned "Magic for the youngest - 'Maštograd'", as well as a round table for slightly older visitors, entitled "We love Kladanj wherever we are".

Furthermore, an "Diaspora Evening" is planned, as part of which the tourist potentials of the municipality will be presented, but also local business entities will be presented, a cultural and entertainment program, a lecture on "Women and their role in society today" and a tennis workshop "Meet the racket."

You can find the dates of these events and other details in the photo below.

"Everyone is invited to the manifestation 'Days of the Diaspora Kladanj 2021'," the organizers of the event say.

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