Kladanj Meet Up

Second Kladanj Meet Up gathered emigrants from Italy, through Switzerland, France and Germany all the way to the Netherlands

New / old participants, new ideas, same goal - to return Kladanj to its old glory! Once again, thanks to the representatives of the i-dijaspora, the people of Kladanj gathered in one place, whose knowledge and experience are currently enjoyed by many European countries. However, all of them are willing to help the city they came from, so even a nightly, two-hour meeting was not difficult for them.

Dalida Karabdić, initiator of this meeting and also a member of the i-dijaspora, presented the latest results of our work to the new participants of the second Kladanj Meet Up, but also revealed that the joint efforts of the Municipality of Kladanj, Ministry of Education and Science TK, and with the participation of the i-platform with the Kladanj diaspora, but also with other good people, the works on the reconstruction of the central heating were successfully completed, and the same was set up into operation in the "Edina Čamdžić Kindergarten" in Kladanj, and thanks to working 24/7 after the first meeting of the Kladanj diaspora, so that night additional suggestions were heard on how to improve the everyday life of the residents of Kladanj.

How to restore Kladanj to its old glory?

Care for the elderly and incapable, most often for parents, relatives and friends, is something that bothers many people from Kladanj who have left their town and sought happiness in another country. However, they do not forget their loved ones, which is why they expressed the desire to make life in Kladanj better and more interesting for the Third Age. Therefore, one of the initiatives on the agenda was the construction of a potential Center for Healthy Aging, which, with the indispensable help of official institutions, would provide users with numerous educations, social gatherings and many other positive things.

But until this idea sees the light of day, a box library within which senior citizens could borrow newspapers, magazines, comics or novels is being considered as an alternative. The idea is for the mentioned library to be near the market where rest benches would be built.

Also, education of staff for home care is proposed, which could also be an alternative to the Center, while the Center for Healthy Aging will be a permanent initiative in the local community.

But it wasn’t just the theme of senior citizens which was talked about. On the contrary, the expatriates from Kladanj thought about offering good content to younger citizens, and came up with the idea of realizing "Street basket" which could also be realized on the market or in one part of the park.

Also, one of the leading problems, according to several participants in the online meeting, is the daily life struggle of people with disabilities who are often denied access to certain institutions and other places due to lack of elevators or ramps for people with disabilities, so this problem is something that certainly needs to be work on.

As it was for the first time, also on this Tuesday, positive ideas were created to help easier future realization and for that purpose working groups of several members were formed. Thus divided, our friends gathered around one common team will direct their resources to the thorny path ahead. But, although thorny, it is certainly not insurmountable when you have visionaries like this on your side.

In the next month, we will think about these projects such as digitalization in Elementary school, ski club, cooperation with the Association "Žena ženi"("Woman to Woman") and many other proposals.

Next one, the last gathering this year, we have scheduled for December.

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