Kladanj Meet Up

People from Kladanj located in USA and Canada together again on a new meetup

The third Kladanj Meetup for the Faithful Diaspora from the United States and Canada that was held on the last weekend, brought together already active members of the Kladanj community.

As we know, Kladanj is a municipality that is still in the lead in the number of online gatherings. Thus, every month, peope from Kladanj meet and exchange ideas, discuss problems and plan activities that they implement in most cases with selfless commitment and effort.

Thus, at the last "USA and Canada Kladanj Meetup", they looked back at the projects realized so far, on which they have worked tirelessly in the past 11 months. It was also suggested that the manifestation "Days of the Diaspora Kladanj" next year lasts from July 1 to August 31, 2022. Among other things, the participants expressed a desire to establish contacts with various associations in the countries in which they currently live and through them work on connecting and cooperating with the local community. Taking into account the younger generation and following the example of friends from Denmark, it has been discussed about the importance of mother tongue schools too.

We thank the many members of the Kladanj community who, in cooperation with the i-diaspora, the German pangea network and the Municipality of Kladanj, operate from all over the world, especially from America and Canada, for their successful work so far and we look forward to new projects bring positive results.

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