Kladanj Meet Up

More than 50 families, each in their own way, make "Kladanj Meet Up"

A few days ago, on February 11th, the fifth "Kladanj Meet Up" was held, a virtual meeting that gathers Kladanj emigrants in one place.

Within this project, according to the representative of the i-platform, which is most responsible for the success and continuity of these meetings, Ms. Dalida Karabdić, so far were contacted over fifty families from Kladanj, who live around the world and want to be part of this story. Also, thanks to regular participants, this project, in addition to one-month meetings, resulted in several-month meetings of working groups whose members regularly work on improving sports activities in Kladanj, then think about how to improve the lives of young people, but also how to provide incentives for small businesses in this municipality.

Meeting guests

In addition to the already mentioned regular participants of the "Meet Up", this time there was an increase in newly interested Kladanj emigrants for this project. In this regard, last Thursday we were delighted by the presence of Mrs. Azra Čerimagić, currently living in Sweden, and Mr. Anes Gogić and Mr. Mehmed Krekić. Nevertheless, we are especially pleased with the growing number of young people who are trying to contribute to the development of the Municipality. One of them is certainly Selma Avdibegović, a high school student who already speaks three foreign languages ​​and teaches her friends the same. But, in addition to that, Selma is also committed to preserving the culture in her environment, and suggests organizing numerous workshops.

Also, a great honor was given to us by our, already we can say, reliable partner and friend, Mr. Kemo Sarač, Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH, who, in this way, publicly congratulated the employees of the i-platform on the implementation of numerous activities and networking in general, while Mr. Jusuf Čavkunović, Mayor of Kladanj, although this time prevented from attending our gatherings, also sent us words of support.

Numerous activities

In addition to the already mentioned regular meeting of working groups, the "Meet Up" also discussed the activities of the Association "Woman to Woman". Ms. Dragana Čaušević, a representative of this Association, said that the support that members of the Association feel from all participants in the "Kladanj Meet Up" is very motivating for them, but also for their daily work. Namely, so far, the members of the Association have managed to make and sell over 80 various packages made up, mostly of food products, and this fact has provided them with financial benefits. And the fact that a good voice can be heard far and wide is evidenced by the increase in the number of members of the Association, and in this regard, it is important to emphasize that from 53, the number of members of the Association "Women to Women" increased to 80.

Last Thursday, we also talked about the Action Plan that is being developed, and it currently contains a large number of project ideas, categories, target groups, implementation leaders, deadlines etc. The potential realization of the mentioned ideas will be discussed at future meetings when the Action Plan is finalized.

The next meeting of the Kladanj diaspora is scheduled for March 11th.

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