Kladanj Meet Up

The jubilee fifth Kladanj Meet Up will be held on February 11th

At the beginning of the working week, we are announcing its very interesting and successful end. On Thursday, February 11th it is the turn of the fifth "Kladanj Meet Up", which we are scheduling again at 7 PM.

This jubilee meeting will once again, in a virtual way, gather our friends from Kladanj. This project, which aims to revitalize the Municipality of Kladanj, is approached very seriously, so it is important to emphasize that the gatherings of the residents of Kladanj take place not only from "Meet Up" to "Meet Up", but several times a month working groups discussing a particular topic.

Last month, the working group called "Sports, Children, Youth" was joined by Anesa Hidić, B&H champion in road cycling, and a total of twelve members of the working group held a very constructive meeting, discussing the potential development of sports in Kladanj.

A few days later, a meeting of the working group called "Udruženje Žena ženi" was held. This time the meeting was attended by sixteen people, they discussed the potential education of the members of the Association, their daily activities related to food packages and in general the improvement of the future business of these hardworking women.

This, as well as numerous other topics, await us on Thursday, so we invite all Kladanj citizens eager for municipal progress to join us on February 11th and give their contribution to the betterment of this small town in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

You can get all additional information from our representative, Dalida Karabdić, via e-mail dalida.karabdic [at] idijaspora.ch.

See you at 7 PM on Zoom.

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