Kladanj Meet Up

The 5th USA and Canada Meetup

On Saturday (January 22, 2022), i-platform representatives organized the 5th USA and Canada Meetup. The event started at 6 p.m. and served as an opportunity for the members of Bosnian and Herzegovinian diaspora to get together, connect with one another, and start projects together.

In a friendly and warm ambience, the participants of the 5th USA and Canada Meetup discussed and shared their opinions about various up-to-date topics and ongoing issues related to the cultural life, self-work, inclusion, and support of domestic production, with strong emphasis on the empowerment of women in local communities.

By exchanging their personal experiences and practices, participants shared their knowledge with one another and managed to define the important values that they all lived by. For this reason, we concluded that it was important to work continuously and consistently on creating similar activities and promoting the shared common values such as empathy, solidarity, and entrepreneurship. 

Since many good ideas and valuable projects are often started during Meetups, we will try to organize new series of the USA and Canada Meeup at least once a month in the following period. It is our great wish to organize future events and meetups that will be regular, frequent, dynamic, and beneficial both for the participants and local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

We use this opportunity to invite you all to continue to follow and support our work and to join us for the first next USA and Canada Meetupthat will be soon organized. By doing so, you will be able to meet other visionaries, activists, and entrepreneurs that want to make changes and support their former compatriots in building a better life of greater quality in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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