The tenth Zenica Meet-Up brings success stories of the Zenica diaspora

Tuesday, 21 December, 2021 - 19:00
Through our Meet-Up, over 100 people from Zenica have networked around the world, and each new Meet-Up brings us new energy and strength. So, I hope, it will happen this time as well.

After nine successful Zenica Meet-Up's, it was time for the tenth.

Through our Meet-Up, over 100 people from Zenica have networked around the world, and each new Meet-Up brings us new energy and strength. So, I hope, it will happen this time as well.

Success stories of the Zenica diaspora will be the focus of this Meet-Up. In addition to success stories, this time we will talk about the first green eco race on Smetovi.

As always, we are looking forward to new ideas coming from the people of Zenica around the world, with the aim of improving Zenica.

If you also want to improve the local community you come from with your ideas, join us at the last Meet-Up this year.

For all additional information, you can contact our representative Kubat Safet by e-mail safet.kubat [at] and  masa.skrbic [at]

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