One more Kladanj Meetup

Thursday, 8 July, 2021 - 20:30 to 22:00
We will continue following the work of the hardworking Kladanj diaspora, as well as the people of Kladanj and members of the i-platform too, trough the next, tenth in a row, Kladanj Meetup.

First of all, it should be noted that Kladanj Meetup is currently in the lead in the number of meetings held and projects implemented. Hardworking people from Kladanj work tirelessly
and with the support of our team they are credited with great things.

At this gathering, we will summarise the achieved results and finalise the started projects. We will also try to arrange a meeting as well as developing the process for the next year. So, if you are from Kladanj, love Kladanj or just want to support our work, join us on July 8 at 8:30PM on the Zoom.

For all information, contact our Dalida Karabdić by e-mail dalida.karabdic [at]

See you!

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