Jubilee twelfth Kladanj gathering

Thursday, 7 October, 2021 - 19:30 to 21:00
This week we are expecting a new, jubilee Kladanj Meetup that will bring together people from Kladanj around the world.

This Thursday, many members of the large Kladanj family will mark this day online as well. With gathering and evening coffee, we will celebrate the successes and achievements we have achieved for this year.

Many mutual connections have been achieved, numerous results have been produced together, and everything has been achieved through hard work and constant activism with selfless love for our hometown.

That is why we invite all people from Kladanj around the world to be part of a story that has already become an example of good practice.

As before, in addition to the i-diaspora organization, the gathering will be supported by the Municipality of Kladanj and the Pangea network from Germany.

For all additional questions, our dear Dalida Karabdić is available as always via e-mail dalida.karabdic [at] idijaspora.ch, to whom we would like to thank for her hard work and commitment to her Kladanj.

See you at Zoom at 7:30 p.m.!

Note: Copying parts or the entire text is allowed with the obligatory citation of the source.

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