19th edition of Kladanj Meetup!

Thursday, 12 May, 2022 - 20:00 to 21:30
We invite the diaspora from Kladanj to join us at another virtual meeting to hear what we have done in the previous period, but also to get acquainted with our future activities. There are many of them!

We will use the 19th edition of the meetup to talk to those present about the activities that marked the month of April. One of them is the crowdinvestment action organized for the members of the Association "Woman to Woman". It is an action in which the inhabitants of Kladanj, living in all parts of the world, took part.

Furthermore, we will talk about activities ahead of us like the “Race for Health”, which is scheduled for May 14th. Already, over 500 people have expressed interest in the race. the i-diaspora, among other actors, will have a huge organizational role.

We will also talk about the recent meeting for the citizens of Kladanj, residing in the United States and Canada, but also present the success stories of our fellow citizens.

We are especially pleased with the growing number of young people who, from month to month, join us, and with their energy beautify our social gatherings, but also suggest ideas that are in line with their age and perception of the world. Of course, the invitation is also there for all regular members of our Kladanj family.

For all additional questions and clarifications, contact our Dalida Karabdić via e-mail dalida.karabdic [at] idijaspora.ch.

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