11. Kladanj Meetup scheduled for Thursday!

Thursday, 9 September, 2021 - 20:00 to 21:30
After a short summer break, we are back on Zoom on Thursday, along with our expatriates from Kladanj.

We have scheduled the Eleventh Kladanj Meetup for the upcoming Thursday, which we will traditionally organize via the Zoom application.

This time, among other things, we will talk about the recently held event "Days of the Diaspora Kladanj 2021" which was supported by emigrants from Kladanj through the i-diaspora. Families from Kladanj, who decided to spend the summer holidays in their hometown, with the mentorship of our Dalida Karabdić, contributed to all the events.

So, we will summarize our impressions, but also talk about how to improve this and similar events in the future even more.

We will also talk about the planned activities for the next period, therefore, we invite all regular participants of this meetup to join us, but also those who have not had the opportunity to be part of this event. All advice and suggestions are more than welcome, if they are for the benefit of this local community.

As in previous times, this meeting, in addition to the i-diaspora, is supported by the Municipality of Kladanj and the pangea network from Germany.

For all questions, feel free to contact our Dalida Karabdić via e-mail dalida.karabdic [at] idijaspora.ch.

We are waiting for you at Zoom from 20:00!

Note: Copying parts or the entire text is allowed with the obligatory citation of the source.

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